In this example, we are going to create a single-file agent to retrieve a tweet from X and reply to it. Once we have successfully fetched the tweet, we will utilize Syntax Agent's API capabilities to generate a response. After that, you can reply to the original tweet with a generated response. This process will allow us to seamlessly integrate tweet retrieval with automated response generation, showcasing the potential of utilizing APIs for enhanced interaction.
Set up the environment
Before proceeding, create a .env file with the following content. You can generate SYNTAX_API_KEY in the Creator Dashboard page. To get the TWITTER_COOKIE_CT0 and TWITTER_COOKIE_AUTH values, you need to log in to your X account and get data from the developer tools.
TWITTER_USERNAME=TWITTER_PASSWORD=# Log in the browser with your account and copy the `ct0` and `auth_token` cookies.# (You can find them in the Application => Cookies in the dev tools)TWITTER_COOKIE_CT0=TWITTER_COOKIE_AUTH=SYNTAX_API_KEY=SYNTAX_API=""
Initialize your project based on the preferred programming language.
Once you successfully set up the project, create a file that acts as your agent. We've commented out the code that generates the reply in the last line to avoid accidentally submitting a reply to the original tweet. Feel free to uncomment it if you want.
import'dotenv/config';import { Scraper } from'agent-twitter-client';constusername=process.env.TWITTER_USERNAME;constpassword=process.env.TWITTER_PASSWORD;constsyntaxApi=process.env.SYNTAX_API;constsyntaxApiKey=process.env.SYNTAX_API_KEY;if (!username ||!password ||!syntaxApi ||!syntaxApiKey) {console.error("Invalid env vars. Please check your .env file.");process.exit(1);}const [targetUser] =process.argv.slice(2);if (!targetUser) {console.error("Please provide a valid twitter username.");process.exit(1);}constscraper=newScraper();awaitscraper.login(username, password);asyncfunctionchat(content) {returnawaitfetch(`${syntaxApi}/chat`, { method:'POST', headers: {'Authorization':`Bearer ${syntaxApiKey}`,'Content-Type':'application/json', }, body:JSON.stringify({ content }), }).then((res) =>res.json()).then((res) => =>console.error(err.message));}console.log('Feching tweets from:', targetUser);consttweets=awaitscraper.getTweets(targetUser,1);const [tweet] =awaitArray.fromAsync(tweets);console.log('Fetched tweet:',tweet.text);constcontent=` Hey, reply to this tweet from ${}? Tweet: ${tweet.text}${tweet.isQuoted ?`The tweet quoted this tweet: ${tweet.quotedStatus.text}`:''}`;constresult=awaitchat(content);console.log('Generate response from the agent:', result);// Make a reply to the original tweet// await scraper.sendTweet(result, => res.json());
from twitter.scraper import Scraperfrom twitter.account import Accountfrom twitter.util import find_keyfrom dotenv import load_dotenvimport osimport sysimport requestsload_dotenv()syntax_api = os.getenv('SYNTAX_API')syntax_api_key = os.getenv('SYNTAX_API_KEY')twitter_ct0 = os.getenv('TWITTER_COOKIE_CT0')twitter_auth = os.getenv('TWITTER_COOKIE_AUTH')defchat(content): headers ={'Content-Type':'application/json','Authorization':'Bearer '+ syntax_api_key} data ={'content': content} response = +'/chat', json=data, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() result = response.json().get('data', {}).get('content')return resultif__name__=='__main__':if syntax_api isNoneor syntax_api_key isNoneor twitter_ct0 isNoneor twitter_auth isNone:print('Invalid env vars. Please check your .env file.') sys.exit(1)iflen(sys.argv)<2:print('Please provide target user.') sys.exit(1) targetUser = sys.argv[1] scraper =Scraper(cookies={'ct0': twitter_ct0, 'auth_token': twitter_auth}) account =Account(cookies={'ct0': twitter_ct0, 'auth_token': twitter_auth}) users = scraper.users([targetUser]) user_id = users[0].get('data', {}).get('user', {}).get('result', {}).get('rest_id') tweets = scraper.tweets([user_id], limit=1)print(f'Fetching tweets from: {targetUser}') tweet_legacies =list({'user': x.get('result', {}).get('core', {}).get('user_results', {}).get('result', {}).get('legacy'),'tweet': x.get('result', {}).get('legacy'),'quoted': x.get('result', {}).get('quoted_status_result', {}).get('result', {}).get('legacy') } for x infind_key(tweets, 'tweet_results'))print(f'Fetched tweet: {tweet_legacies[0]["tweet"]["full_text"]}') prompt =f""" Hey, reply this tweet from {tweet_legacies[0]['user']['name']}? Tweet: {tweet_legacies[0]['tweet']['full_text']}{""if tweet_legacies[0]['quoted'] isNoneelsef"Quoted Tweet: {tweet_legacies[0]['quoted']['full_text']}"} """ result =chat(prompt)print(f'Generated response from the agent: {result}')# Make a reply to the original tweet# account.reply(result, tweet_id=tweet_legacies[0]['tweet']['id_str'])
You can test and run the agent with the following commands. Don't forget to pass a valid X account name.